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Energy demand is growing – our grid needs an upgrade. Grain Belt Express is the ready-to-go solution to deliver more affordable, reliable and secure power.

  • $52 BILLION

    In energy cost savings over 15 years, making energy more affordable for American consumers.

  • 22,300 DIRECT JOBS

    Created during construction of the line and new generation.  

  • $25 BILLION

    Invested in new U.S. energy infrastructure. 


    Can be powered by Grain Belt Express.

Affordable. Reliable. Secure.

Our aging energy infrastructure in the Midwest is struggling to keep pace with growing demand. Now, Grain Belt Express is bringing a vital new solution to millions of Americans: delivering power for homes and businesses, and economic opportunity to communities throughout the Midwest.

At a time when we need every available electron, and electricity that’s more affordable and reliable, Grain Belt Express is energy you can count on. 

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  • Power to Prosper

    The single largest transmission investment in U.S. history, Grain Belt Express is a solution to one of the top challenges worrying community, business, and economic development leaders across America: increasing energy bills. Leading American energy company Invenergy is investing billions to help recapture the traditional energy cost advantage that powers our prosperity. 

    No other project saves consumers more.

    Beyond delivering billions of dollars in energy cost savings, Grain Belt Express will generate billions more in economic activity regionally for the Midwest, create thousands of jobs and provide millions of dollars in new, local tax revenue for communities along the route. 

    All while improving reliability and enhancing energy security.

    More Community Benefits

  • Resources for Landowners

    Across our projects, Invenergy has relationships with over 15,000 landowners, more than 80 percent of whom are farmers and ranchers. We know how to build, the right way, and that means treating landowners with respect and fairness. 

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  • Unleashing Delivery for All American Energy

    Grain Belt Express provides open access delivery for all energy sources based on competitive contracts between electricity buyers and sellers. Since investment in Grain Belt Express is made possible by voluntary contracts, it provides energy consumers the flexibility and choice to buy power from the best, most affordable option.

    As a market-based solution to meet growing demand, Grain Belt Express provides customers an alternative to the forced costs imposed on ratepayers by central planning.

  • Good News for Families

    As energy demands have increased, so have fuel and energy prices. Grain Belt Express means more access to affordable, reliable, secure energy for families and their communities. 

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Learn More About Grain Belt Express in Your State

Powering Savings. Strengthening America. 

Grain Belt Express will deliver more power to more communities — 5,000 megawatts in total. That’s the equivalent of about four new nuclear reactors in transmission capacity to better meet regional energy needs across the central part of the country, while creating a reliability backbone for grid infrastructure that serves 40% of Americans. 

Grain Belt Express will now connect four vital U.S. power grids.
Here’s how:

The electricity available to the local utility or co-op serving your home or business is managed regionally in power pools — or grids — that cover large areas. Those pools are shown in the map above. 

Grain Belt Express will be the first U.S. transmission line to connect 4 of these grid regions, improving affordability and reliability for consumers across these regions. 

Learn How

[Grain Belt Express] will also be capable of moving electricity both directions, which could have helped mitigate the electricity crisis that hit the United States earlier this year. ‘Lines like Grain Belt Express could have been the savior’
Kansas City Star,  April 12, 2021
Grain Belt Express’s additional commitment to deliver more power to Missouri could not have come at a better time for businesses in our region who are facing increased risk for outages and higher energy bills due to more demand and less energy production.
Ray McCarty, Associated Industries of Missouri
You can’t have a strong business climate if manufacturers are worried about the reliability and cost of their power supply. There’s no question, manufacturers and the communities they support across our region will see significant benefits thanks to this essential investment.
Mark Denzler, President & CEO, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association
Our area has been in need of transmission upgrades for some time. The Tiger Connector plan will be good for everyone in our area
Mark Petty, Kirkwood Electric Director
Modernizing our state’s infrastructure and ensuring affordability and diversity of energy supply are absolutely critical to improving Illinois’ business environment and strengthening our competitiveness. In contributing to both, the Grain Belt Express is a home run for Illinois.
Todd Maisch, President and CEO, Illinois Chamber of Commerce
The savings from this project would be very important for our community. Growth has been tough…we’re losing jobs. Cheap renewable energy is key to not only maintaining the businesses we have but to give us some type of hope for growth.
Jeff Bergstrom, General Manager, Marshall Municipal Utilities 
This transmission line is one of the largest economic development projects in the entire state and will help power our towns, while saving every family and business in our communities a total of more than $12.8 million annually on our electric bills.
Missouri Public Utilities Alliance
In Chariton County alone, the Grain Belt Express project will add $1.3 million in sales and property taxes during construction and $8.7 million in property taxes… It will benefit citizens and promote a brighter future for our students and the students of all the school districts that stand to benefit in counties along the route.
Joshua Shoemaker, Keytesville, MO Superintendent
The reduced costs this will provide us is vital in our ongoing efforts to provide reliable utilities.
Nici Wilson, Odessa City Administrator
During and after construction, Grain Belt Express will be one of the largest property taxpayers in Carroll County. As with many counties of our size, we face budget issues, so having this added economic driver will make a difference for our community.
Jeffrey Martin, Executive Director, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce
MPUA and our utility members have constantly let the public, agencies and lawmakers know that the transmission project [Grain Belt Express] represents millions of dollars to be saved every year for 39 member communities in Missouri. Those savings will mean lower cost energy for more than 350,000 Missourians, for more than 20 years.
John Twitty, President and CEO, MPUA

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